POOR BILL RICHARDSON. Even after Obama left the stage here at the SEIU forum, the crowd continued chanting his name: "Oh-ba-ma! Oh-ba-ma!" Andy Stern had to get up and remind, "We have other candidates here. A lot of friends!" In the ladies' room, a middle-aged white woman, hands clasped, exclaimed, "He is just so inspiring! He's gonna bring a change!" Now the New Mexico governor infamous for his gaffes takes to the stage. Perhaps minding his reputation for touchy-feeliness, he forgoes hugs for firm handshakes. The speech starts slowly until Richardson speaks in Spanish, saying, "We are going to elect either the first woman president, the first African American president, or the first Latino president." Richardson gets a standing ovation for promising to "fire all the union-busting attorneys at the NLRB [National Labor Relations Board]. For labor secretary, I will appoint a union member." He jokes that maybe he will appoint Andy Stern labor secretary. Richardson says a goal for his first term would be to get 20 percent of all American workers unionized. That gets a great response. But is this guy running for V.P? He says, "You're really wound up! Obama gave ya a good speech, didn't he?" But a minute later Richardson is back on track touting his executive experience. Everybody in the Democratic race supports card check, he says, but "I did it" in New Mexico. --Dana Goldstein