Regarding the debate over PEOTUS's pragmatism, Andrew flagged this comment from Daniel Larison's blog (emphasis mine) that gets at Obama's strategy:
Those who are surprised by Obama's appointments thus far are those who for some reason mistakenly believed in McCain's criticism. One of the best examples of Obama's pragmatism is his appointment of Chu as energy secretary. Imagine that, and actual expert scientist in charge of energy research and development! Rather than a politician or military official or a “green” progressive environmentalist, Obama picked a guy who actually knows science. Is this being “centrist”, or is it being pragmatic in the real sense of the word.
Now, picking Stephen Chu as Energy Secretary does come off as competence pick -- here's a bona fide Nobel-winning, huge-laboratory-managing expert to handle your energy problems, America. And it has this commenter quite pleased, especially because he's not a '"green" progressive environmentalist.' Except, of course, that he is the sort of progressive environmentalist who takes climate change extremely seriously, enough to have David Roberts quite pleased. Again, it all comes down to what Chu actually does as Energy Secretary, but we're seeing someone recognized as a centrist technocrat who seems ready and willing to pursue policies typically considered progressive. If that works out, suddenly more and more people are comfortable with those policies.
Now, too early to tell, no one has done any governing yet, etc., etc., but you get the idea here. Exciting times...
-- Tim Fernholz