It's sort of funny that Hugh Hewitt was shopping a book called "How Sarah Palin Won the Election... And Saved America," but honestly, this is how books work. Publishing times are long. Publishers tend to award contracts on current issues of interest, then find that the book has no audience when it's released, or its once-revolutionary ideas have long since penetrated the national audience. If Hewitt hadn't made the gamble, someone else would have. That's why the model Chelsea Green used for Bob Kuttner's book Obama's Challenge: America's Economic Crisis and the Power of a Transformative Presidency
was so extraordinary. The book went from manuscript to publication within a matter of weeks. It worked on a magazine time cycle rather than a publishing time cycle. And so it managed to hit while it was relevant. Indeed, the thesis of the book -- that Obama was going to face a time of genuine national crisis, and would have the opportunity to inhabit a transformational presidency -- came true as the book landed on shelves.