Gotta give it to them: Rasmussen knows how to chase those links. They've already finished a poll asking Texans whether they want to secede from the union. "If the matter was put to a vote, it wouldn’t even be close," says Rasmussen. "Three-fourths (75%) of Lone Star State voters would opt to remain in the United States. Only 18% would vote to secede, and seven percent (7%) are not sure what they'd choose."I'd sort of figured all the secession talk yesterday was good fun. But so much as Rasmussen is impressed by the overwhelming majority opposing secession, I'm struck by the sizable minority supporting it. A full 18 percent of Texans want to leave the union? And seven percent more aren't sure? That means that one out of four Texans either doesn't want to be part of the United States of America or isn't sure. And yet it's we Californians who are always being accused of hating America...Related: What would happen if Texas seceded?