Lee Siegel -- yes, that Lee Siegel, the one who calls folks fascists -- writes:
But it's not exactly effectual to be sustained by what you hate. Politics is about persuading your adversary's supporters to come to your side. It's not about reassuring everyone on your side--under the guise of "thinking strategically"--that you and they are absolutely right.
Ah, the great persuader Lee Siegel -- how many converts has he won? How many bloggers has he turned? None? I guess we can call that graf Blog-O-Irony.
Siegel goes onto lament that no one engaged his series of serious and perceptive points -- he desperately wanted a good conversation, but the mean ol' bloggers wouldn't give it to him. So he repaired to the pages of TNR where none could answer him. Savvy stuff -- that's why Siegel gets the big bucks. Or maybe its finely crafted arguments like this one:
No wonder, several years after the blogosphere allegedly became a people powerhouse, the country is mired even deeper in Iraq and successfully distracted by one false public alarm after another.
Sorry, but that's so downright insane that, for the first time in the history of this blog, I have to quote it again. Remember, this is Lee Seigel, an employee of The New Republic, blaming bloggers for the continuation of the Iraq War:
No wonder, several years after the blogosphere allegedly became a people powerhouse, the country is mired even deeper in Iraq and successfully distracted by one false public alarm after another.
Color me Blog-o-stonished.