Raj Date, a veteran of the financial sector who founded and led the Cambridge Winter Center for Financial Institutions Policy, will be joining the Treasury Department shortly as a senior adviser to Elizabeth Warren, who is heading up the administration's efforts to implement the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Date has been an influential player in the financial-reform debate, one of the few people who combines top-flight financial credentials -- top positions at Deutsche Bank and Capital One -- with government experience and a commitment to a public-spirited financial sector. The Winter Center filled the need for progressive expertise on financial issues at a time when reformers desperately needed informed advocates. Date's research on financial regulation was influential during the debate over the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, providing reformers with sophisticated analysis of the issues at hand. Here's Date talking about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at a Roosevelt Institute conference this past Spring:
Date will work to make consumer regulation more effective and less cumbersome; his arrival will bolster the credibility of Warren's team within the administration, the business community and among progressives. The Winter Center, meanwhile, will continue under the Chairmanship of Keith Taylor, with Geoffrey Rubin stepping in as Executive Director.
-- Tim Fernholz