The transcript isn't up yet, but on Hardball last night, Chris Matthews' roundtable (consisting of Tucker Carlson, Margaret Carlson, and Michelle Bernard) concluded that the Bill Moyers interview of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright was very, very bad for Obama. (And they hadn't even seen the whole thing!) Matthews, in his inimitably clueless way, called the Wright "flap" "Obama's Iraq," as if sending hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to their deaths was comparable.
The political panel concluded that Wright had dug a "deeper hole" for Obama and had in fact "thrown Obama under the bus" when he said, as Kate quoted below, that Obama had said what he had to say as a politician, and that he would say what he has to say as a pastor, and everyone hates politicians. Because people might have otherwise forgotten that Obama is a politician.
--Sarah Posner