REMARKABLE. Sorry, but watching The Corner become all Kerry, all the time is too much of a trainwreck to look away from. Jonah Goldberg (italics mine):
My last word at least on the merits of the thing � as opposed to, say, the politics since Kerry might do something else fun to keep this going � is that I don't think his intent matters any more. Derb's initial "fake outrage" comment aside, lots of people took him on the plain meaning of his words. Kerry is the sort of person who one would expect to believe the sort of thing he actually said (just see some of the liberal blogs who insist Kerry's gaffe was accurate). In other words, it made sense coming from Kerry.Here's what Kerry actually said:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."So why believe that Kerry was fumbling a joke at Bush? Well, because Kerry went to Yale. He was president of the Political Union. A top debater. And he volunteered for Vietnam. In other words, Kerry is living proof that the educated sometimes choose to fight. Jonah Goldberg is not. And yet Jonah thinks it's Kerry who obviously believes the military's ranks are filled by the uneducated. The lack of shame and self-consciousness astounds.
--Ezra Klein