David Iglesias was one of the U.S. Attorneys who was fired by the Bush administration for not pursuing politically motivated voter fraud cases. He's got a new job now--he'll be prosecuting terror detainees from Guantanamo:
Igleisas explained that he had already begun the work, having travelled to the facility once, and expecting to go back.
"It's the most significant set of orders I've had in my 24 years of navy service," he added. "The level of detail that I'm looking into some of these terrorist groups, it just takes my breath away."
And he signaled what seemed to be a change in tone from the Bush years. "We want to make sure that those terrorists that did commit acts will be brought to justice -- and those that did not will be released."
The big question remains what happens to those detainees who may be guilty but have had the cases against them tainted by the use of torture. But there's something reassuring about the Obama administration hiring a former U.S. Attorney who was willing to lose his job rather than pursue politically motivated prosecutions.
-- A. Serwer