Demonstrating the aluminum bat-like subtlety which, combined with an enthusiasm for rehabilitating the paradigms of 19th century colonial discourse, has made him a foreign policy guru for wingnut racists everywhere, Ralph Peters offers his version of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in today's New York Post:
"In the end, the problem's difficulty can be put in New York City terms: A shiftless, violent family that turned an apartment into a slum was evicted. The new tenants cleaned up the place and made the apartment a showcase. Now the former tenants hate them for it - and want the apartment back."It would be a solid day's work unpacking the the desperate ignorance and defiant bigotry bound up in that statement, which, in any case, brays rather loudly for itself, so I'll just ask: Is there any other event in history of which it would be remotely acceptable to describe the violent displacement of 700,000 human beings in such a way? --Matthew Duss