IN WHICH I SHARE MY THOUGHTS ON LAST NIGHT'S DEBATE, MALE FASHION, AND A NEW DRINKING GAME. The word for the night was Anbar. Anbar! Anbar! So much Anbar! I lost count. John McCain excepted, I suspect there's an inverse relationship between the frequency with which a candidate refers to "the success in Anbar province" and the likelihood that the candidate could find Anbar province on a map.
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce a new drinking game, which I'm provisionally calling "al-Anbartender." Every time a Republican candidate utters the word "Anbar" in the context of defending the surge, take a drink. By the end, they might start to make some kind of sense, and even appear friendly. Except for Giuliani, who will still be scarier than every mean daddy in every movie featuring a mean daddy put together.
Is it me, or was Sam Brownback sporting a bushy new Mike Brady man-perm? If so, was this some kind of subtle attempt to cast himself as the kind daddy alternative to Giuliani? Nice try, buddy!
Tom Tancredo denied that "waterboarding" equals "torture," which would probably surprise the torturers who invented the technique.
Brownback and Mike Huckabee both ignored the email about wearing a red tie, possibly because they consider red too "devilish." They both chose to go with boring old battleship gray, which I personally think tends to make a man look too "battleshippy."
Mitt Romney still seems to be under the impression that we are at war with a country called "Jihad." --Matthew Duss