SHOW HORSESH*T. I feel no pity for Joe Biden. His recent comments in South Carolina joking about how his home state, Delaware, wishes it had been part of the Confederacy, are exactly the kind of crap that enables conservatives. By spouting this bunk -- a word with southern origins, incidentally -- Biden has undermined not only his own party but, by extension, his chances of being elected to anything other than Delaware senator-for-life. As Lambert over at CorrenteWire argues, this may be Biden�s �Trent Lott moment.� If there is any justice in politics, it will be. In a recent profile of Hillary Clinton, the Atlantic�s Josh Green tells the story of how the venerable Robert Byrd advised Clinton, upon her arrival in the Senate, to be a �workhorse, not a show horse.� Of course, Byrd gave Biden the same advice 30 years ago, too. As Green remarks, Biden proves that, for some, advice just doesn�t �take.� The Delaware Show Horse has proved he�s willing to perform whatever tricks his audience expects, and what a tawdry pony show he is providing. Just make sure you avoid what he leaves behind while parading around for approval.
--Tom Schaller