Matt reads some David Frum and concludes:
Lessons learned: Romney is silly, whereas Giuliani will force terrorists to back down with his steely gaze and David Frum has no understanding of how international relations work or the history of US-Iranian relations.
The context here is Frum's baffling assertion that "the mullahs released the hostages in 1981 because they looked into Ronald Reagan's eyes and saw something they did not see in Jimmy Carter's. I saw that same something in Guiliani's. Whatever his other faults, he is never silly."
David Frum was born in 1960. He didn't move to America until 1982. Are we really supposed to believe that, at age 20, he'd spent much time dreamily gazing into Ronald Reagan's baby blues? So how does he know what the Iranians intuited from Reagan's gaze -- assumedly the same gaze the Lebanese saw when Reagan ordered our troops to retreat from Beirut. And how can you talk about the release of the hostages without mentioning the death of the Shah or the invasion of Iran by Iraq? To use Frum's word, it's all rather silly.
Oh, and what's that about Giuliani never being silly?