Here at TAPPED, we crack a lot of jokes about getting slapped in the face by Barack Obama's various executive branch nominees. Typically, liberals are the targets for these slappings because Obama is a centrist wanker (TM).
Today, however, I received a press release from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank of some kind, regarding Treasury Secretary-designate Tim Geither, whose mild tax and immigration problems don't seem damning -- or even like they will prevent his confirmation. On the tax front, it seems that when Geithner worked for the International Monetary Fund, there was some confusion about how to handle his U.S. taxes (so much, in fact, that the IRS would make a blanket exception for IMF employees). When the errors were discovered, he paid his taxes and interest. But the Treasury Secretary will be in charge of the IRS, and so CEI tells me this: "To have him leading the department that manages the IRS would be a slap in the face to the millions of self-employed Americans who fulfill their responsibilities to correctly asses their tax burdens."
Finally, millions of self-employed Americans will know how it feels to be a liberal!
-- Tim Fernholz