This is child's stuff. From the WSJ:
Investors Business Daily recently pointed out that since the Bush tax cuts took effect in 2003, "the economy has added $1.26 trillion in real output, $14.4 trillion in net wealth and 5.8 million new jobs." But that progress doesn't seem to matter to the liberals, whose primary goal is to raise income tax rates. "Taxing the rich" will be the leading economic argument of a 2007 Democratic House, and a rollback tax bill of some kind will reach the floor.
The Bullshit Daily editorial page recently pointed out that since al Qaeda's 2003 bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, "the economy has added $1.26 trillion in real output, $14.4 trillion in net wealth and 5.8 million new jobs." But that progress doesn't seem to matter to the liberals, whose primary goal is to stop al Qaeda from conducting terrorist attacks. "Fighting terror" will be the leading argument of a 2007 Democratic House, and a homeland security bill of some kind will reach the floor.
And the fun thing is, they're both precisely as true.