The Brennan Center issued a letter yesterday in response to the Supreme Court's refusal to hear the Jeppesen case making one last-ditch appeal to the Obama administration to facilitate some kind of restitution for Bush-era lawbreaking:
If the required referrals have not yet been made, we respectfully request that you now ask the relevant IGs to undertake a joint investigation into the Executive's use of extraordinary rendition and to issue a public report—with as little redaction as possible—of their findings. Should the IG investigation uncover government wrongdoing, we also urge that plaintiffs' legitimate claims be acknowledged and redressed—that the government vindicate their claims by recognizing the ordeals they endured and denouncing any wrongdoing; by issuing a public apology; by providing monetary compensation; and through any other means that justice requires.
Marcy Wheeler remarks, "This is me officially holding my breath for the Obama Administration to do what they promised on this front." We'll see -- but expecting the government to act with a minimum of common decency in the absence of any potential consequences for not doing so seems like a long shot, particularly if doing so involves a de-facto admission of wrongdoing.