Liz Cheney, on the radio yesterday:
Well, what the ad does — and actually it doesn’t question anybody’s loyalty. What the ad does is it says that there are nine lawyers in the Justice Department who used to represent al Qaeda terrorists and the Attorney General will only tell us who two of them are and we want the American people to have the right to know who the others are.Keep America Safe Executive Director Aaron Harisson today:
We regret that they still refuse to tell the American people whether any of these lawyers are currently working on detainee issues inside the Department...The American people have a right to know whether lawyers who voluntarily flocked to Guantanamo to take up the cause of the terrorists are currently working on detainee issues in President Obama's Justice Department.
They can go all Joe McCarthy in a press release, but asked a direct question, they don't have the courage to say it plain.
Anyway, just so this post won't be a total bummer, here's Human Rights' First parodying Cheney's group as "Keep America Afraid" again:
-- A. Serwer