Talk about paranoia -- right-wing talk radio hosts and anti-abortion-rights groups are promoting the idea that President Obama declared a state of emergency regarding swine flu in order to push through pro-choice Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' nomination as health and human services secretary. (You know, it's not like 152 people have died, or anything.) Concerned Women of America's Wendy Wright told Dave Weigel, "If there’s even a hint that [Department of Homeland Security] is manipulating the health situation to push a political appointee through, well, it almost defies imagination that they’d be willing to that.” In an email to supporters, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins wrote, "What do sick pigs have to do with widespread, taxpayer-funded abortion? More than you might think."
As I reported last week, Sebelius' confirmation has been delayed as her home state Republican legislature has forced her to deal with a series of abortion-related bills. Her latest pro-choice veto inspired a Republican backer of her nomination, Sen. Sam Brownback, to hint that he may change his mind and vote "no" on her appointment. The Senate is scheduled to debate Sebelius' nomination and take a vote today. Hopefully GOP senators will remember that actual, full-fledged, independent human beings -- not embryos -- are facing a public-health crisis. This is no time for job vacancies at HHS and the CDC.
--Dana Goldstein