John McCain just made his opening statement in the Senate, where Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker are testifying about American progress in Iraq. Demonstrators are periodically interrupting McCain from the back of the chamber. "I have had this experience previously, Mr. Chairman," McCain joked to Sen. Carl Levin, who shushed the protesters. Unsurprisingly, the heart of McCain's statement is an appeal to our soldiers' "honor" -- under the assumption that withdrawing them before they "complete" their mission (a fully stable Iraq) would be disrespectful. "American troops can return home with the honor of helping to secure their country's interests at great personal cost," he said. Otherwise, the United States faces "a defeat that is terrible and long-lasting" in the Middle East. No specifics on how our troops can or should stabilize the Iraqi government and society. McCain also called for an "overdue dispatch of ambassadors to Baghdad" and "greater United Nations involvement." --Dana Goldstein