by Nicholas Beaudrot of Electoral Math
Shakes is right. It's nice to see the press point out that John McCain has morphed into Just Another Politician, selling his independence down the river for a shot at the Republican nomination.
But frankly, tying McCain to Jerry Falwell is small potatoes. Here are some questions that might help Russert and his pals think bigger during their next interview:
- What is your opinion on ethanol tax credits?
- Should Bob Jones University be allowed to keep its ban on interracial dating?
- Should South Carolina be allowed to fly the Confederate Battle Flag atop the state capitol?
- Will you meet with the Log Cabin Republicans in 2008?
- Balancing the budget would require either raising taxes, ormaking massive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Sinceyou've spoken out on the deficit so often, and yet you still want to increase thesize of our standing Army, can you tell us whether you'd rather slashMedicare funding by 80% or raise taxes?
Add your own recommendations in the comments.