VOTER EXPERIENCES THREAD. From a correspondent in a heavily Republican district in Ohio:
We've got five statewide initiatives on the ballot, and the minimum wage one is the only one that the Democratic party has taken a stand on. It's issue 2. On my machine, Issue 2 began at the bottom of the page and said simply "constitutional amendment" (although with a few more words) and continued on next page. The only thing the next page had was Yes and No. No description of the initiative. A poll worker brought me a paper description, but she wasn't concerned when I asked what was going to happen to all the rest of the people who use that machine.Also, there were eight machines in the room for two precincts (same as when we used punch cards). At one point while we waited in line, three of them were down. A tech guy fixed them all, but then he left.I was very happy that the first race on the ballot allowed me to vote against Ken Blackwell.And this had nothing to do with Diebold's machines, but I always vote at around 8 a.m. In '02 and '04, my voter number was in the 30s or 40s. This year it was 71 (comparable to 2000). I hope that's not a reflection of GOP GOTV.So what are you seeing? Long lines? Good turnout? Empty polls? Broken machines? Let us hear it.
--Ezra Klein