I'm surprised at how little I care about the VP race. I have opinions about all the frontrunners, but none of them are really political opinions. Which is to say, it's not obvious to me that Obama is more likely to win the election with Biden than with Bayh, or with Bayh than with Sebelius, or with Sebelius than with Chet Edwards. In 2004, I had strong opinions on the Gaphardt or Edwards question, because I thought, in retrospect wrongly, that Edwards would be a considerable boon to the ticket. But insofar as Obama's choice goes, all the frontrunners have political benefits and drawbacks, and none seems to me clearly better than any of the others. Additionally, the ideological difference between them all is slight; in fact Obama is rather more liberal than anyone he's reportedly considering. So without a sharp policy or political preference, why get exercised?