Barney Frank shows his colleagues how to deal with insanity at townhall meetings:
The questioner was apparently not a Republican, but a follower of Lyndon LaRouche. If you've ever encountered these people, you know that they think everything from 7-11 slurpies to the button fly are examples of impending Nazi hegemony from whomever actually happens to be in office, Democrat or Republican. But as Dave Weigel writes:
As I’ve pointed out before, when liberals protested the Iraq War, the small number of anarchists and Communists who showed up to their rallies dominated the coverage. Liberals didn’t get a pass on their associations. Conservatives have been pointing to the presence of LaRouche activists at these town halls to argue that the only people waving “Nazi” signs are LaRouchies. That’s not true, but even if it were true, what would the difference be? This is the second consecutive major political cause where the maniacs of the LaRouche “movement” are finding common cause with mainstream conservatives.
Also, this defense would be more persuasive if conservatives weren't actually comparing President Obama to Hitler and his policies to those of the Nazis. The complaints about "death panels" and "pulling the plug on grandma" are LaRouche-like in their flamboyance and immunity to fact. These people are simply drawn to the familiar.
-- A. Serwer