By Pepper of the Daily Pepper
This morning, the Fox News panel, aka the 'Washington Week' rejects, is blaming the press for turning Cheney's Shotgun Love Tap into news. According to them, if there's a body in the library, and Colonel Mustard is holding the revolver, it doesn't count unless the press corps was there to see it. Brit Hume, who still wears the TeenBeat glow after his interview with Cheney, called the press a "pack of jackals" ready to tear after Cheney, solely because Cheney didn't call the New York Times after he SHOT HIS FRIEND IN THE FACE.
William Kristol piped up that the episode "tells you more about the press corps than Cheney." What a gross lack of perspective. Someone gets shot - massive logical leap - and the press is mad at Cheney for not going to them immediately? Huh? Painting the enemy as elitists who think news doesn't count unless it goes through the major news outlets first is a standard Fox News strategy. But they glossed over the fact that Cheney himself was participating in "canned hunting," which is an extremely elitist pasttime, as Amanda makes abundantly clear.