Sarah Palin thinks the media's treatment of Caroline Kennedy will prove their class bias against her.
"I've been interested to see how Caroline Kennedy will be handled and if she will be handled with kid gloves or if she will be under such a microscope. ... It's going to be interesting to see how that plays out and I think that as we watch that we will perhaps be able to prove that there is a class issue here also that was such a factor in the scrutiny of my candidacy versus, say, the scrutiny of what her candidacy may be."First of all, I think it's pretty obvious that the press has been skeptical of Kennedy's candidacy.
But second, this is another one of those moments where conservatives reveal they actually do believe American life is affected by pervasive instances of race, gender or class based bias. It's just that somehow, rather than these biases affecting people of historically disenfranchised groups across the board, they only affect members of those groups that hold conservative beliefs. Which is to say that there's only one type of bias that really matters, and that's the systematic persecution of conservatives that pervades our society. Liberals would understand that if they could stop playing the victim already.
-- A. Serwer