I’ve heard otherwise sensible people say that removing Donald Trump would not be a good idea because then we’d get President Pence and then Republicans could regroup.
You gotta be kidding. For starters, Pence is one of the worst retail politicians in American politics.
You have to be pretty lame to be on track to face defeat as an incumbent Republican governor in Indiana. Pence agreed to be Trump's running mate only because he was in such trouble at home.
Also, Trump's removal and the installation of Pence would split the Republican base. Pence has none of Trump's animal appeal as a faux-populist for the hard-core Tea Party base.
The idea that Pence would represent a new post-Trump GOP unity is fantasy. And don't discount the power of post-Trump recriminations as Republicans face a blue blowout in the midterms.
Pence is a conventional, evangelical far-right politician. That's poison in the socially moderate swing-district suburbs. And as a bonus—unlike Trump, there is almost no risk that Pence will blow us all up.
A weak candidate and a fractured Republican Party. Bring it on!