Can you find the words �Social Security� in this text? So what�s our exit strategy from Iraq? Why do our soldiers have to keep dying? What about affordable health care? Can�t we support stem cell research? Why did we let down Katrina victims? Why won�t Congress do anything? Pass a decent minimum wage? Why are we losing so many jobs to overseas? (Narrator:) O.K., it�s kind of ridiculous to think you�re ever going to get an answer from this (pause) bush. But it�s also kind of ridiculous to think you�re going to get an answer (cue a picture of President Bush) from this one. Text: Demand Answers. Vote for Change. I couldn�t either. Which makes you wonder why the NYT�s commentary on this Democratic Party ad describes it as highlighting the fact that: �Congress has not acted on several major issues, including immigration and Social Security.� The Congressional Budget Office�s projections show that Social Security can pay all scheduled benefits for the next 40 years with no changes whatsoever, and the program is hugely popular. What makes Social Security a major issue, except the fact that some people (perhaps including our NYT commentator) want to privatize and/or cut it?
-- Dean Baker