Talk about putting lipstick on a pig, the Washington Post gives a lead front page story talking about "Bush's Shifting Ideology." To ask the obvious, what makes the Washington Post think that President Bush has an ideology? This is not gratuitous Bush bashing. The same comment could be directed at any politician. Politicians get elected to high office by appealing to powerful individuals and interest groups. They act in a way to maximize their political support, that is how they get elected. Any strongly held ideology is likely to be a detriment in these efforts. More importantly, their personal ideology is likely to be a mystery to anyone but their closest friends. Politicians must convince people that they agree with their views, whether or not this is fact true. Any reporter who claims to know what a politician really believes is either lying or too close to that politician to be reporting objectively. Readers would be much better served if the Washington Post saved the lipstick. Tell us what the President Bush and the other politicians do. Spare us the speculation on their ideology.
--Dean Baker