- In a news environment where day three analysis stories often get filed 30 minutes after an important news event occurs, it's somewhat astounding that we find ourselves on week three of talking about a sucky government website.
- And, because developments on this story have been ... somewhat static, it's strangely impressive how the lack of news has inspired the opposite reaction in the press, with accusations and predictions growing more apocalyptic and acquiring additional strains of dramatic and dramatically misplaced metaphors.
- Josh Kraushaar is pulling out the death imagery-"life support," "death warrant," "stop the bleeding," "as he suggested on Morning Joe," etc.
- (To which our own Paul Waldman responds: "That's so blindingly stupid I'm almost not sure where to start.")
- The Washington Times compared Healthcare.gov to perjury and the Iran-Contra affair.
- National Review has many options you can choose from including "the extensive -the criminal - Obamacare fraud" and the requisite "King Obama" and "George III never did that" column.
- A senior editor says that Obamacare is set to topple the best health-care system in the world. (Fact-check?)
- The deep cuts are also starting to roll out. Today, The New York Times compared the Affordable Care Act to the 1989 Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act.
- Meanwhile, below the panic, there are other actual problems that could use some addressing. For example, hospitals are worrying about how to pay for their poorest-and often sickest-patients. Will these people be able to get on the exchange?
- Conservatives are still trying to make it impossible for navigators to help people sign up for the exchanges.
- In this story's sliver-thin silver lining, Democratic governors in states where thehealth-care exchanges are running smoothly are happy to spread the gospel and export their success to the masses.
- Here are some things to keep in mind when reading the many, many stories about the Affordable Care Act in the next few weeks and months and years. And, no, the sky is still not falling.
- Also, stop comparing Healthcare.gov to Hurricane Katrina. Yes, right now.
Daily Meme: Obamacare End Times
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