Referencing Carville and Matalin, Pam Spaulding asks the folks at Pandagon, "Could you handle a relationship with someone whose political beliefs were at the opposite end of the spectrum from yours?" I'm inexperienced enough that I can't know for sure, but I think it could work for me -- there's a Republican professor in the philosophy department whom I often have good political conversations with, and if I met a woman who was interested in me and held a similar set of beliefs, I wouldn't rule out a romantic relationship.
The question reminds me, though, of an experience I had a while ago when I was looking at the websites of some right-wing hate groups. Occasionally I'd come across pictures of women on these sites, and it disturbed me that I found many of them physically attractive. I've always been intensely attracted to women with skin like milk, and paleness is a preferred trait in the racist community. (I'm Indian and a shade darker than peanut butter.) But I felt better when I realized how my desires offended their ideology. What terrifies an old white supremacist more than the colored man who lusts to fill his pale daughter's womb with the seed of the dark races? That's me right here, thank you very much.