I'm not quite sure how it works, but Sullivan seems to think that Bill Clinton begged Ken Starr widen the purview of his original probe so it included Monica Lewinsky. He then appears to believe that Clinton didn't lie on national television in a last ditch attempt to keep his affair from becoming public. It's bizarre. He actually writes that "no marriage has generated as much political and cultural buzz over the years as the Clintons' - and they have all but insisted we analyze it." Insisted? If by insisted he means stonewalled and raged against, then yeah, maybe. He then says "the prospect of revisiting the gruesome details of Bill's private life for another election cycle, let alone a term in office, is just too hideous to contemplate. When you recall what he got up to as president, can you imagine the attention-seeking shenanigans he'd pursue if he were First Husband? They love their psycho-drama. And they're entitled to it. Just leave us out of it this time, ok?"
So stay out of it Andy. Nobody forced you to write that post, and the Clintons didn't commission the New York Times article. If you want out of their private life, turn your firepower on the media that keeps spraying it across your morning paper. But blaming the Clintons because you and your ilk are obsessed with their fidelity is a rather remarkable exercise in projection.