From the Nader "Campaign":
Ralph Nader for President 2008 November 4, 2008www.votenader.orgwww.officialnaderstore.comPress ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Ryan Mehta, 408-348-0681, rmehta@votenader.orgWhile it too early to tell from the exit polls which Presidential candidate will be moving into the White House, Ralph Nader has came out on top in at least one Presidential contest this fall.For High School students at The Berkeley Carroll School in New York City, the choice was clear, with Nader winning in a landslide.After hearing presentations from representatives of the five presidential candidates on their records and stances on Iraq, Afghanistan, healthcare, abortion, the bailout, gay marriage, drilling for oil, immigration, death penalty, public education, and Israel, the tallied vote fell along the following lines:Nader: 43%McCain: 4%Barr: 2%Obama: 29%McKinney: 17%The vote which was conducted on October 28th under the direction of teacher Taylor Black had a unique feature. The student voters made their decision based purely on the candidate's record and stances, not even knowing the candidate's gender, race or party.Unfortunately, as Marlo Stanfield noted, your name is your name, Nader.