I guess it's no longer exactly accurate to say there's no vision for success in Iraq. Rather, the vision, as laid out by General Odierno, "A self-reliant government that is stable, a government that will contribute inside of the regional context and the international context. Obviously, that means they need a professional security force... Obviously, a place that will not allow a safe haven for terrorists or extremists that threaten region... or the United States. ... An economic engine that [provides for] the continued improvement of the Iraqi people. ... From a military perspective, the ability to secure themselves, and do it in such a way that allows the government to continue to grow." So, internal tranquility, a high-functioning government, a roaring economy, a constructive regional role, and a trustworthy security force. Presumably, this will be achieved when the Greys come back to earth, convince humanity of its essential oneness, teach us how to cheaply generate endless renewable energy by harnessing the healing rays of the sun, and show one small child that the world is indeed so magical that even a small bicycle can take flight and kiss the moon.