Greg asks, "What do you make of Kevin Drum's not-too-encouraging assessment of the likelihood of the gay marriage ruling standing [in California]?" Actually, I'm somewhat less optimistic than Kevin is that the election will be terribly close. I think it'll probably be rejected somewhat soundly. But there's no doubt that the overarching trend is towards acceptance and equality.The best evidence we have on Californian attitudes towards gay marriage probably comes from the Field Poll, which recently released an overview of their data on the subject (pdf). First, here are the general trends of acceptance of homosexuality, comparing data from 1997 and 2006:In about a decade, opinions have fully flipped, from a plurality condemning homosexuality to a plurality saying there's nothing wrong with it. So those are the trends and they're moving rapidly. Attitudes towards gay marriage have also seen swift change, but the issue hasn't seen the same flip in its center of gravity: