Will asks:
On the right side of the spectrum, political magazines have readily identifiable characteristics that set them apart from their competitors. NR, for example, is the flagship mag, the Weekly Standard was started by the neoconservative-national greatness crowd, Reason is for libertarians, and the American Conservative is a paleocon outlet.On the left, however, I'm less sure of the distinctions between various magazines. TNR is the oldest and most center-left and Salon seems more oriented towards cultural issues, but I can't really distinguish between the institutional characteristics of the American Prospect, the Nation, and Mother Jones. This isn't a knock on your employer or its competitors (I read and enjoy authors at all three magazines). I'm just curious to hear your take on the ideological/institutional distinctiveness of the left's major magazines.I've now taken three cracks at this post, and it keeps getting too complicated. So let's do this more simply: