Australian Counterterrorism Expert Leah Farrall takes a look at a new Australian government white paper on counterterrorism and finds this:
They're where we were 30 years ago. And don't tell me they don't know the stakes.To be effective, Australia must pursue a principled and proportionate response that promotes and upholds the values we seek to protect. The Government does not support the use of torture or other unlawful methods in response to terrorism. Terrorism is a crime and the Government will pursue terrorists within proper legal frameworks and in accordance with the rule of law. A response based on our democratic values and universal human rights serves to undermine the narrative of terrorist groups that seek to portray our actions, and those of our allies, as oppressive. In recognition of the importance of our counter‑terrorism and security legislation, the Government has introduced legislation to establish an Independent National Security Legislation Monitor to regularly and independently review the operation of Australia’s counter‑terrorism laws.
-- A. Serwer