Having lived the vast majority of my life around gentle people who treat others in a considerate manner and keep their hands to themselves, I'm astonished and horrified whenever I read about the minor sexual harassment that many women face on a regular basis. Hilzoy describes shaving her head so that bad guys would pass by rather than groping her, and cites Esquivalience on how Larry Craig's bathroom creepiness pales beside the everyday harassment that women face.
I'd love to see police confront more guys who make catcalls at women on the street. It probably isn't even the kind of thing where you'd need a lot of disorderly conduct arrests or anything like that -- I'm sure it'd do a lot just to have an officer of the law sternly telling offenders that their behavior isn't acceptable. And as Hilzoy tells us, there's definitely a lot that the police could learn about taking attempted rape more seriously. Other than that, I don't have much idea about what's to be done about this kind of thing, either from a public policy standpoint or from my own position as just another dude. Any ideas?