The bailout bill passes the House, 263-171. More analysis when we see the roll call, but the large margin suggests that not too many Blue Dogs defected. The Republicans turned out almost exactly the number of votes they promised last week: 91 for, 108 against. The Democrats supported the bill 172-73.
Update, 1:49: Still no Roll Call vote available, but The Hill is reporting that vote-switching Democrats are pointing to Barack Obama as a reason for their decision to support the bailout. This is the Obama campaign's foray into the leadership role that John McCain falslely trumpeted last time. I don't think that the Illinois senator will actively promote this message (he, after all, did not take a huge leadership role in the bill), but his campaign will use it to smartly rebut assertions from the McCain camp that their candidate helped forge the bipartisan compromise while Obama sat on the sidelines.
-- Tim Fernholz