This year, the Christian right is revisiting its 2006 attempt to ban all abortions in South Dakota, possibly triggering a lawsuit that would reach the Supreme Court. Two years ago, voters rejected a similar initiative that did not include an exception for the health or life of the pregnant woman. Now that exceptions have been written into the measure, a recent poll showed the fight too close to call, with 44 percent of South Dakotans in favor of the ban, 44 percent opposed, and 12 percent undecided.
Here are ads running on South Dakota TV. The anti-choice commercial is really something. Terrifying footage of NARAL Executive Director Nancy Keenan making a speech is accompanied by the script, “Who are these people? They are the billion dollar abortion industry, and they’re bringing their Northeastern abortion-on-demand philosophy into South Dakota.” It goes on to feature Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founder of NARAL who became an anti-abortion rights activist in the 1970s and directed the film The Silent Scream. Meanwhile, the pro-choice group appeals to libertarian, anti-government sentiments (patients and doctors deserve privacy).
Previous ballot initiative ad features:- Colorado “right to work” - Colorado's “personhood” amendment - California's anti-gay marriage amendment
—Dana Goldstein