Budweiser does not taste like piss. Normal urine has a pH of 4.6 to 8.0. Budweiser, like most lagers, has a pH of around 4.0. Therefore, Budweiser is definitely more acidic than piss. It's also just the ticket if you happen to be drinking beer for breakfast, as the fresh taste of the rice content goes particularly well with most cereals (it is not coincidental that nobody has yet marketed Barley Krispies).
True enough, but it still tastes like Bad. Sorry Matt. And it tastes bad not in comparison to microbrews, or Three Philosophers, or Chimay, but in comparison to other cheap beers, like Miller or PBR.
And speaking of beer snobbery, the bottle of beer you for $9 is much better than the bottle of wine you can purchase for the same. Would that more folks showed up to dinner parties bearing some chilled Chimay than warm Yellow Tail. Nice beer is classy, people!