Heartening staffing news today as Joe Biden's office announces that Jared Bernstein, of the Economic Policy Institute, will be serving as Biden's Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser. The obvious question is what it means to be the veep's econ guru, but the answer is that Bernstein will be in on all high level economic meetings (which is to say, National Economic Council level) as the representative of the VP's office. That is to say, he'll be in on most all high level economic policy meetings. And that's a good thing. Bernstein is a sharp analyst who's been particularly prescient on the enormous pressure on the middle class and the role of inequality in walling working people off from the gains of a growing economy. His presence in the room should be a relief to progressives. So much as increasing consensus in recent years has narrowed the gap between the so-called "Rubinites" and the labor wing of the party -- and see Bernstein's joint op-ed with Robert Rubin for more on that -- it's nevertheless the case that some of those old schisms could reemerge, and so it's good to know that the perspectives of the party's more traditionally liberal wing will be represented. That have, after all, demonstrated a pretty good track record in recent years.You read the full press release here. And you can read through Jared's many article for The American Prospect here. And if you want to listen to Bernstein, find his Podcasts here. I mainly link to these for the opening theme, which was composed by the man himself -- Jared will almost certainly be the only guy in the room who spent some time as a professional jazz musician -- and sounds like porn for wonks. Which is to say I mainly link to it to embarrass him. That sound you hear is my access dying.