I can't figure out if this Bill Richardson ad featuring bloggers talking about his withdrawal plan is actually aimed at bolstering flagging support in the netroots or is something rather more interesting: The first ad based off the assumption that bloggers have gained enough credibility that liberals everywhere trust their assessments as unvarnished truth they don't get in the media. The fact that Richardson is airing the spot in New Hampshire suggests the latter. If so, that's an interesting premise, and it'll be more interesting to see if it works. Anyway, here's the ad, and the bloggers:
Update: Sources e-mail to say that Richardson's ad buy is an ad buy in name only. It's a $6,000 purchase that will air the spot for one day on New Hampshire's WMUR. So basically nobody will see it. The buy, rather, is having its intended effect of serving as the peg with which bloggers and netroots types can post the YouTube and talk about the content.