BLOGOSPHERE OVERWHELMINGLY MALE. Congrats to our own GFR and Addie Stan who got a shout out in Ellen Goodman's column today on how the political blogosphere is overwhelmingly male and white. This is something that's been talked about a lot, especially in the wake of YKos, after which the WaPo published a similar take. I was intrigued that this year, feminist bloggers had their own conference, BlogHer, the weekend before Kos. To me, it would be of advantage to both groups to merge these two. Goodman writes about one theory of why the demographics shake out this way, "[Gina] Cooper thinks one reason for the demographics is that educated, economically comfortable men were the early adapters to the technology and took the lead." The problem is, now that the technology is more accessible, it is also more mainstream, and therefore dominated by a lot of the (male) personalities that dominate the MSM. --Kay Steiger