This Atrios-proposed holiday is a very good one (though not, sadly, one that this blog actually survived). In any case, I've taken the opportunity to do some long overdue cleaning of the Blogroll. No longer do I link to Matt's Typepad site, or Spencer's TNR blog! And no longer are their 40 or so categories for you folks to pick through. Instead, I've kept about 30 of my favorite blogs, arranged in no particular order, grouped into random sets of five. It should actually be useful now. Additionally, my fine and talented Weekenders are atop the list, in a category all their own.
Speaking of which, Shakes, one of the first Weekenders, will no longer be guest posting on the site. She has moved on, sadly but unsurprisingly, to bigger and better things, in this case being the blogger for the John Edwards campaign. She'll do great. This would be a good time though for folks to offer suggestions for other guestbloggers. Given that Pepper and Shakes are both gone, I'm particularly interested in female writers. But all nominations are welcome.