BOLDLY GOING WHERE NO CANDIDATE HAS GONE BEFORE. A little late on this, but I hadn't seen it mentioned on TAPPED and I think it's important. Gov. Bill Richardson has put out the most aggressive climate change policy of any presidential candidates so far. Stepping into the void left by Tom Vilsack dropping out (at least until Al Gore gets in), Richardson released an ambitious plan last week -- with higher increases in fuel efficiency and bigger cuts in oil use than any other proposal. Grist has the details. But Matt zeroed in on what really distinguishes Richardson from the other candidates: his forthright admission that land-use planning and mass transit must play an important role. That is to say, Americans cannot continue to build sprawling suburbs and drive ever longer distances. To say this when you have to win in rural and suburban areas takes a lot of courage. Maybe Richardson figures he's such a long shot he needs to take risks, or maybe its a real stand on principle. Either way I'm glad to see someone finally taking it.
--Ben Adler