BORING PRESS RELEASES. C'mon, Edwards campaign:
EDWARDS STATEMENT ON TODAY'S RUDY GIULIANI COMMENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA Chapel Hill, North Carolina - Senator John Edwards released the following statement about Rudy Giuliani's comments that Republicans are best suited to deal with issues like poverty, health care, and terrorism. "Rudy Giuliani needs to put an end to his campaign to divide America and concentrate on offering solutions to the big challenges we face. Poverty, health care, the war in Iraq - these are critical issues that deserve serious proposals, not political attacks."This is Rudy Giuliani assailing you on poverty and health care! Your riposte should make Tarantino cringe with its savagery! But the best you can come up with is "Rudy Giuliani needs to put an end to his campaign to divide America and concentrate on offering solutions?" How about, "we're not going to take counsel on health care and poverty from someone who hasn't even seen fit to include them on his issues page?" --Ezra Klein