Here at TAP, we've long joked that the Bristol Palin-Levi Johnston marriage would be indefinitely postponed post-Obama victory. Well, we hate to say "I told you so...." Actually, scrap that. We sorta love saying "I told you so." It seems now that Bristol Palin is free from being the Christian-family-values-in-an-emergency poster girl, she has adopted a mature, wait-and-see approach toward marriage. Here is what she said last night in her first TV sit-down interview, with Fox's Greta van Susteren:
VAN SUSTEREN: What about Levi? How is he taking all this?BRISTOL: Well, he's a really hands-on dad. He's just in love with him as much as I am.VAN SUSTEREN: Does he -- how often does he see his son?BRISTOL: He sees him every day.VAN SUSTEREN: What are your plans?BRISTOL: Eventually, we'd like to get married. We're focusing on, like, getting through school and just getting an education and stuff, getting a career going.Good for Bristol and Levi. There's nothing sillier than compounding the pressure of an unplanned pregnancy with the pressure of a rushed wedding and marriage at age 18. These two will already be yoked together for life by their child. Whether they want to be married is a separate choice, and one that should not be made lightly.--Dana Goldstein