This article on Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Iowa (via Andrew Sullivan) highlights this quote from the current Clinton candidate last week: "As someone said the other day, there seems to be a pattern: It takes a Clinton to clean up after a Bush."
Sure, it's supposed to be funny. But I like it better when we at least pretend America isn't dynastic.
I say this completely aside from anything about Hillary Clinton's politics or policies, but this should really clear things up for anyone who wonders why my generation tends toward cynicism about politics. A Bush or a Clinton has been on the ballot in every presidential election since well before I was even conceived, and we're supposed to find it endearing. Since 1980. We don't know what it's like not to have a system that's dominated not only by two parties, but dominated by two families. It has to do something to the political psyche.
--Kate Sheppard