Is there anything more pathetic than someone whining about excessive "Bush hatred" based on generalizations derived from nameless individuals at apocryphal-sounding dinner parties ... in 2007? Peter Berkowitz's latest column has been written so many times that there must be a template you can use by now. Well, you could use the occasion chance to return to your feeble defense of Bush v. Gore.
Most embarrassingly, Berkowitz claims that it was "Al Gore who shifted the election controversy to the courts," when of course the first lawsuit was filed by Bush, who challenged Gore's first attempt to seek the recounts he was unequivocally entitled to under Florida law. And, needless to say, he has yet to explain how the recount that gave the election to Bush -- which was conducted under even more arbitrary standards that the one the Supreme Court reviewed Bush v. Gore -- was any more consistent with the equal protection clause. Really, he should give it up, especially if he wants to accuse other people of distorting issues for partisan reasons.
--Scott Lemieux