Shakes here...
Over at Shakes, we always do a Question of the Day, which usually has something to do with pop culture - Which movie always makes you cry? or Who's your favorite stand-up? - and the other day, we did one that ended up being so fun, I thought I'd share it here, too.
The question is: Which movie title best sums up the Bush administration? But here's the catch - you've got to replace one word in the title with Bush's name, so you get something like Bush Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Bush Fiction, or Fun With Dick and Bush.
Failing a title that sums up the administration, you are welcome to come up with a more specific reference, like "What I hope for the future: Bush, Interrupted" or "What I wish Laura would do: Punch Drunk Bush."
All right, Kleinians - off you go!
(Today's QotD at Shakes: What song do you wish you'd written?)